Rehearsal Notes

Jon CurtisSinger Resources

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Notes with msr = 0 refer to the entire song.

Date Song msr Section Note
6-23 I Shall Pass Through this World (Bonds) 0 SATB Please listen to the recording provided at the member site. I suggest you look up information on Margaret Bonds and Etienne De Grellet – you will enjoy learning more about them both. Please number all measures – 1 is the first full measure (not the pickup) – there are 35 in all
6-23 I Shall Pass Through this World (Bonds) 5    B Lift (no breath) before "good" on beat 3, and before "Good" on ms 6 downbeat
6-23 I Shall Pass Through this World (Bonds) 8 SATB Breath after "show" on beat 3
6-23 I Shall Pass Through this World (Bonds) 10   TB Breath before beat 4
6-23 I Shall Pass Through this World (Bonds) 11   TB Lift (no breath) before "human," "Being," and "any"
6-23 I Shall Pass Through this World (Bonds) 12 SA   Lift (no breath) after first "any"
6-23 I Shall Pass Through this World (Bonds) 13 SATB Breath before "To" on beat 4
6-23 I Shall Pass Through this World (Bonds) 15 SA   Breath after "do it," before beat 2
6-23 I Shall Pass Through this World (Bonds) 15   TB Breath after "do it," before beat 3
6-23 I Shall Pass Through this World (Bonds) 16 SATB Breath after "now," before beat 4
6-23 I Shall Pass Through this World (Bonds) 17 SATB Breath before "Let"
6-23 I Shall Pass Through this World (Bonds) 19 SATB Breath on beat 4
6-23 I Shall Pass Through this World (Bonds) 20 SATB Breath on beat 4
6-23 I Shall Pass Through this World (Bonds) 21 SATB Breath before "For"
6-23 I Shall Pass Through this World (Bonds) 23 SAT  Lift (no breath) before "I"
6-23 I Shall Pass Through this World (Bonds) 23    B Breath before "Not"
6-23 I Shall Pass Through this World (Bonds) 25 SATB Breath before "pass" — also, tempo will slow
6-23 I Shall Pass Through this World (Bonds) 27 SATB Breath before beat 4
6-23 I Shall Pass Through this World (Bonds) 29 S T  Breath before beat 4
6-23 I Shall Pass Through this World (Bonds) 29 S T  p, not mp as written
6-23 I Shall Pass Through this World (Bonds) 31 S T  Breath before beat 4
6-23 I Shall Pass Through this World (Bonds) 32  A B p, not mp as written
6-23 I Shall Pass Through this World (Bonds) 33 S T  Breath before "but"
6-23 Ceciliada (Wawruk) 1 SAT  Gentle crescendo, decrescendo ms 1 to 4 (follow the tenors)
6-23 Ceciliada (Wawruk) 5 SAT  Gentle crescendo, decrescendo ms 5 to 8 (follow the tenors)
6-23 Ceciliada (Wawruk) 9 SAT  Gentle crescendo, decrescendo ms 9 to 12 (follow the tenors)
6-23 Ceciliada (Wawruk) 13 SATB Start rit and crescendo here
7-23 Ceciliada (Wawruk) 19    B cut-off as written - DO NOT sing on repeat from meas. 17
7-23 Ceciliada (Wawruk) 92    B sing 2nd time only
6-23 Deep Peace (Hagenberg) 9 SATB Crescendo and decrescendo through "Deep peace", ms 9-10, 11-12, 13-14
6-23 Deep Peace (Hagenberg) 31 SATB Decrescendo on "peace," soft "s" on beat 4
6-23 Deep Peace (Hagenberg) 34 SATB Clean "oh" vowel on "world"
6-23 United, We Are (Manor) 16 SATB Gentle emphasis on final note in the bar, to set up tempo for ms 17
6-23 United, We Are (Manor) 26 SATB Strong "choral D" (i.e., "duh" shadow vowel) on beat 2
6-23 Shall I Compare Thee (Linberg) 0 SATB Please listen to the recording provided at the member site.
6-23 Shall I Compare Thee (Linberg) 3 S    Soft glottal on "art"
6-23 Shall I Compare Thee (Linberg) 6 SATB Breath before "And"
6-23 Shall I Compare Thee (Linberg) 14 SATB Breath before "By"
6-23 Shall I Compare Thee (Linberg) 24 SATB Breath before "So"
6-23 Shall I Compare Thee (Linberg) 26 SATB Breath before "So"
6-23 Shall I Compare Thee (Linberg) 27 SATB Continue ff until ms 29
6-23 Shall I Compare Thee (Linberg) 29 SATB Breath before "Life"
6-23 A Bridge of Peace (Walker) 0 SATB In general, follow tone notes given by composer (e.g., gently, with affection; boldly; tenderly)
6-23 A Bridge of Peace (Walker) 22 SA   Observe staccato marks
6-23 A Bridge of Peace (Walker) 46   TB Observe staccato marks
6-23 A Bridge of Peace (Walker) 91 SATB No breath from pickup to end (stagger breathe)
6-23 The Water is Wide (Beulke) 0 SATB Please listen to the recording provided at the member site. We will audition for the 2 soprano solos (see ms 85-96) on July 20. An online sign up will be sent out soon.
6-23 The Water is Wide (Beulke) 0 SATB Observe where melody is and be sensitive dynamically (e.g., sopranos decrescendo ms 37, 39)
6-23 The Water is Wide (Beulke) 1 S    Stagger breathing ms 1-19
6-23 The Water is Wide (Beulke) 31   T  Breath on beat 1
6-23 The Water is Wide (Beulke) 34   T  Breath before "Oo"
6-23 The Water is Wide (Beulke) 37   TB M divisi, ends at the end of ms 50
7-23 The Water is Wide (Beulke) 48 S    NO breath over the barline
6-23 The Water is Wide (Beulke) 55   TB M divisi begins before beat 4 and ends in ms 61, after beat 1
6-23 The Water is Wide (Beulke) 61 SATB Add rit.
6-23 The Water is Wide (Beulke) 64 S    Breath before beat 2
6-23 The Water is Wide (Beulke) 64   TB M divisi before beat 3, ends at the end of ms 65
7-23 The Water is Wide (Beulke) 68    B ignore accidentals one beat 1 - they are superfluous
6-23 The Water is Wide (Beulke) 69 SATB Add rit.
6-23 The Water is Wide (Beulke) 74 S    S split: Top note: Jane, Jessica, Judith, Wendy, Middle note: Amanda K, Patricia, Naomi, Natalie, lower note: Andrea, Amanda H, Lily, Sandra
7-23 The Water is Wide (Beulke) 79 S    1st sopranos do not join 2nds on A (add rest if you sre a 1st)
7-23 The Water is Wide (Beulke) 85 SA   Note that the top line is for the duet
6-23 The Water is Wide (Beulke) 97 SATB We will sing at least 3 times
6-23 Pleni Sunt Coeli et Terra (Charpentier) 0 SATB Please listen to the recording provided at the member site. We will audition for the SAT solos (see mss 68-76) on July 20. An online sign up will be sent out soon.
6-23 Pleni Sunt Coeli et Terra (Charpentier) 16 SATB Articulate both "t"s in "et terra"
6-23 Pleni Sunt Coeli et Terra (Charpentier) 58 SATB Change dynamic to mf
6-23 Pleni Sunt Coeli et Terra (Charpentier) 59 SATB Add crescendo
6-23 Pleni Sunt Coeli et Terra (Charpentier) 60 SATB Dynamic f
6-23 Pleni Sunt Coeli et Terra (Charpentier) 78 SATB Change dynamic to mf
6-23 Pleni Sunt Coeli et Terra (Charpentier) 79 SATB Add crescendo
6-23 Pleni Sunt Coeli et Terra (Charpentier) 80 SATB Dynamic f
6-23 Song of the Universal (Gjeilo) 0 SATB Please listen to the recording provided at the member site. Note when the meter is 4/4 and changes to 2/2, and back to 4/4 throughout the piece.
6-23 Song of the Universal (Gjeilo) 7 S    Jane, Jessica and Judith sing top note, Amanda K, Patricia, Wendy sing lower note – do this at any other split in this piece
6-23 Song of the Universal (Gjeilo) 11  A   Lucinda, Noralee, Ruthann sing top note, Kim, Mago, Erika sing lower note – do this at any other split in this piece
6-23 Song of the Universal (Gjeilo) 205 S    Natalie, Naomi, Amanda H sing top note, Andrea, Lily, Sandra sing lower note – do this at any other split in this piece
6-24 Song of the Universal (Gjeilo) 88  A   A1+2, breath before “In”
6-24 Song of the Universal (Gjeilo) 92  ATB A1+2, T2, B1+2, breath before “enclosed”
6-25 Song of the Universal (Gjeilo) 96 SATB S2, A1+2, T2, B1+2, breath before ms 97
6-24 Song of the Universal (Gjeilo) 105  A   A1+2, breath before ms 106
6-24 Song of the Universal (Gjeilo) 106 S    S2, breath before “None”
6-24 Song of the Universal (Gjeilo) 108   TB T2, B1+2, breath before “none”
6-24 Song of the Universal (Gjeilo) 136 SAT  S1+2, A1+2, T1, breath before ms 137
6-24 Song of the Universal (Gjeilo) 150 SAT  S1+2, A1+2, T1, breath before ms 151
6-24 Song of the Universal (Gjeilo) 168  A   A1+2, breath before “Give”
6-24 Song of the Universal (Gjeilo) 172 SA   S2, A1+2, breath before 173
6-24 Song of the Universal (Gjeilo) 176 SATB S1, A2, T1+2, B1+2, breath before “in”
6-24 Song of the Universal (Gjeilo) 178 SATB S1, A2, T1+2, B1+2, breath before ms 179
6-24 Song of the Universal (Gjeilo) 178 SA   S2, A1, breath before “in”
6-24 Song of the Universal (Gjeilo) 182  ATB A1+2, T1+2, B1+2, breath before ms 183
6-24 Song of the Universal (Gjeilo) 183  A B A1+2, B2, breath before ms 184
6-24 Song of the Universal (Gjeilo) 184   TB T1+2, B1, breath before ms 185
6-24 Song of the Universal (Gjeilo) 204 SAT  S1, A2, T1, breath before ms 205
6-24 Song of the Universal (Gjeilo) 209 SATB S2, A1, T1+2, B1+2, breath on beat 3
6-24 Song of the Universal (Gjeilo) 211 SAT  S1, A2, T1, breath before ms 212
6-24 Song of the Universal (Gjeilo) 212 SATB S2, A1, T2, B1+2, breath before “Love”
6-24 Song of the Universal (Gjeilo) 215 SAT  S1, A2, T1, breath before ms 216
6-24 Song of the Universal (Gjeilo) 215 SATB S2, A1, T2, B1+2, breath before “Nature’s”
6-24 Song of the Universal (Gjeilo) 220 SAT  S1, A2, T1, breath before ms 221
6-24 Song of the Universal (Gjeilo) 221 SATB S2, A1, T2, B1+2, breath before “sing”
7-22 I Love You/Wonderful World (Johnson) 52 SATB change first note to quarter note and add quarter rest
7-22 I Love You/Wonderful World (Johnson) 53 SATB change first note to quarter note and add quarter rest
7-22 A Bridge of Peace (Walker) 13 SA   first vowel is "ah"
7-22 A Bridge of Peace (Walker) 17   TB first vowel is "ah"
7-22 A Bridge of Peace (Walker) 26   TB No diminuendo
7-22 A Bridge of Peace (Walker) 88 SATB change dotted half note to half note and add quarter rest
7-22 A Bridge of Peace (Walker) 90 SATB change dotted half note to half note and add quarter rest
7-22 Sabelo Mthembu (Sikirileke/Koloi) 3 SATB first syllable is "moo" throughout
7-22 Sabelo Mthembu (Sikirileke/Koloi) 22 SATB "hae" is pronounced "hi"
7-22 Nia - Purpose (Burleigh) 10 SATB change whole note to dotted half and add quarter rest
7-22 Nia - Purpose (Burleigh) 12 SATB change dotted half note to half note and add quarter rest
7-22 Nia - Purpose (Burleigh) 16 SATB change half note to quarter note and add quarter rest
7-22 Nia - Purpose (Burleigh) 19 SATB "ion" pronounced "ahn"
7-22 Nia - Purpose (Burleigh) 20 SATB insert eighth rest before "I was born to"
7-22 Nia - Purpose (Burleigh) 21 SATB add breath before final sixteenth note (before "my")
7-22 Nia - Purpose (Burleigh) 24 SATB change dotted half note to half note and add quarter rest
7-22 Nia - Purpose (Burleigh) 26 SATB change quarter note on beat 2 to eighth note and add eighth rest
7-22 Nia - Purpose (Burleigh) 27 SATB use "ah: vowel on second syllable of "purpose"
7-22 Nia - Purpose (Burleigh) 28 SATB change dotted half note to half note and add quarter rest
7-22 Nia - Purpose (Burleigh) 32 SATB change half note to quarter note and add quarter rest
7-22 Nia - Purpose (Burleigh) 34 SATB change half note to quarter note and add quarter rest
7-22 Nia - Purpose (Burleigh) 36 SATB change half note to quarter note and add quarter rest
7-22 United, We Are (Manor) 15 SATB breathe before "to"
7-22 United, We Are (Manor) 16 SATB accent on 4+ (like the piano part)
7-22 United, We Are (Manor) 20 SATB breathe before "to"
7-22 United, We Are (Manor) 23 SATB breathe before "to"
7-22 United, We Are (Manor) 24   TB accent on 4+
7-22 United, We Are (Manor) 26 SATB hard "D" on two
7-22 United, We Are (Manor) 27 SATB hard "T" on three
7-22 United, We Are (Manor) 29 SATB change words to "We are family, united, we are one!"
7-22 United, We Are (Manor) 43 SATB changes to feeling of 2
7-22 United, We Are (Manor) 54 SATB back to feeling of 4
7-22 United, We Are (Manor) 54 SATB change words to "We are family, united, we are one!"
7-22 United, We Are (Manor) 73 SATB change words to "We are family, united"
7-22 United, We Are (Manor) 75 SATB change words to "We are family, united"
7-22 United, We Are (Manor) 77 SATB change words to "We are family, united"
7-22 Sign Me Up (Boyd) 21 SATB insert eighth rest before "I got"
7-22 Sign Me Up (Boyd) 22 SATB insert eighth rest before "to be"
7-22 Sign Me Up (Boyd) 23 SATB breathe before meas. 23
7-22 Sign Me Up (Boyd) 46 SATB breathe before meas. 46
7-22 Sign Me Up (Boyd) 48 SATB mp on one cresc. to mf on three
7-22 Sign Me Up (Boyd) 50 SATB mp on one cresc. to mf on three
7-22 Sign Me Up (Boyd) 52 SATB mp on one cresc. to mf on three
7-22 Sign Me Up (Boyd) 54 SATB mf on one cresc. to f on three
7-22 Sign Me Up (Boyd) 91 SATB major break between all three chords - WATCH!
7-23 Hands Are Knockin' (Pederson) 0 SATB Try to memorize as much as possible - "You can do it!"