July 30: 25th – 2018, Hogan, Battle of Jericho

Jon CurtisSeason of the Day, SOTD - July

“There’s one more!”  We remember Allan’s famous introductions to our encores and his invitations to the reception, which has been a tradition from our very first concert in 1994.

Our 25th encore was Moses Hogan’s “The Battle of Jericho.”  

Persons of the Day: Norman Proctor
and those who prepare our scores

The process of acquiring and preparing the musical scores for the singers and orchestra is not trivial.  Some of the pieces we perform have not yet been published.  Others are out of print.  As a music publisher, Allan has been a great asset for our acquiring some of these rarer scores.  In some cases, Norm Proctor has assisted in restructuring, correcting, and re-engraving entire works. 

Here is Norm’s story about his journey into editing:
“I got a basic version of music notation software back in 1996 and used it to lay out sung responses for inclusion in our church bulletin on Sundays. I also published the occasional Renaissance motet for Bay Choral Guild, my first Bay Area chorus (directed by Sanford Dole since 2000). Over the years, I’ve upgraded to full-feature software, joined more choruses, and taken on more and more publishing projects, which are now the lion’s share of my volunteer work. Doing this for Consort and other choruses I sing in is both challenging and rewarding. I’m good at attention to detail without losing sight of the big picture, but the most important thing is that I have lots of patience — and lots of time in retirement. The director of my smallest chorus gets the scores for a concert set in advance partly so I can look them over and then republish the problematic ones to allow the singers to sight-read more accurately on day one and, come concert time, look up more. While I’m always learning more about what makes a printed score better, it has been a special treat these last few years to work with Allan, a professional publisher.”

Others who help prepare our scores:
For many years Bob Friestad took on the task of organizing the music into packets for the singers.  Now David Raub has assumed this job.

And finally, at the other end of this process is Martha Wall is our librarian, keeping extra and older scores for potential future concerts.

Joshua fit the battle, the battle of Jericho
Joshua fit the battle of Jericho and the walls come tumbling down

Talk about your kings of Gideon,
Talk about your men of Saul
But none like good old Joshua
And the battle of Jericho.

Right up to the walls of Jericho
He marched with spear in hand,
“Go blow that ram horn,” Joshua cried,
“Cause the battle am in my hand.”

God almighty then the lamb ram sheep horn begins to blow,
And the trumpets began to sound,
And Joshua commanded the children to shout!
And the walls come a tumbling down.

Oh Lord, you know that Joshua fit the battle, the battle of Jericho
Joshua fit the battle, the battle of Jericho
The walls come tumbling down